1. 运行演示例子,结果报错:, [# l, a6 ?3 J7 {$ a5 T; ~9 `
2011/05/03 23:16:39,073: Projection 'space' has already been added
/ L: \) x' I4 kNote that projection factories automatically add the projection to the context.
% {8 A+ w2 W' ~( m0 [6 h2 Tjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate projections added.
5 ?& B) w. f. _; s: p, a5 Q* V/ ?1 ^2 Y at repast.simphony.context.AbstractContext.addProjection(AbstractContext.java:346)8 l2 l- K8 t# U0 {& t
at repast.simphony.context.space.continuous.DefaultContinuousSpaceFactory.createContinuousSpace(DefaultContinuousSpaceFactory.java:16) " n' d- b6 i$ j" `7 r, f$ r* R
3 L# D( t1 l2 M1 m# a3 D0 l2. 在Eclipse新建 Repast Simphony后,没有自动打开model.score(该文件也没有在.rs目录下存在)
3 W( a$ w5 T; l4 R3. 请高手推荐一些介绍watchers, ValueLayer and data in contexts的资料?* n8 E" v1 b' e/ |/ m! q& H
. E( L& f' O: p1 A1 h* S N7 I- R, k. K不甚感谢! |