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一个arena的问题! 高分急求!!! 谢谢

发表于 2010-5-15 16:48:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
说有A B两个种类的工作 收到A工作的概率是0.6 B是0.4  A工作需要mean3分钟  B工作需要的时间是T  T在1-3分钟间 但实际操作B的最大时间为x分钟 x为0.5T-1.5T 如果T>X那么就要先做x分钟然后 返回在做剩下的x-t分钟  
Jobs arrive at a single computer facility with interarrival times exponentially
distributed with mean three minutes. There are two types of jobs. An
arriving job is a type A job with probability 0.6 and is a type B job with
probability 0.4. All jobs form a single queue. The processing time of each
type A job is an independent random variable exponentially distributed with
mean three minutes. After processing, a type A job leaves the system. Type
B jobs are processed differently. Each type B job specifies upon its arrival an
estimate T of the amount of processing time it requires. For each type B job,
the corresponding T is an independent random variable uniformly distributed
between one and three minutes. The actual processing time of each type B
job is a random variable X distributed uniformly between 0.5T and 1.5T
minutes, where T is its estimate of the processing time. The maximum time
available for a type B job in a single processing run is T minutes specified by
this job. If the actual processing time of a type B job is less than or equal to
T specified by this job, then the job is processed during the actual processing
time and then leaves the system. If the actual processing time of a type B job
is greater than T, then the job is processed during T minutes and after that
again joins the queue for processing during the remaining X − T minutes.
Develop an Arena simulation model.

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