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S-Paramics 2007年用户大会(S-Paramics User Group Meeting)于10月11日在英国伯明翰市举行。今年参会代表共有130人。2007年11月出版的《交通工程和控制》杂志(Traffic Engineering and Control, V48, 11)对此次会议进行了报道。
S-Paramics 用户大会议题
1. Welcome and Introduction, by Stephen Druitt, OBE, SIAS's MD and the originator of S-Paramics
致欢迎词和介绍,Stephen Druitt, OBE, 英国SIAS公司 总经理和S-Paramics发明人
2. New Developments, by Pete Sykes, S-Paramics Software Development and Marketing Director
新发展,Pete Sykes, S-Paramics 软件开发和市场经理
3. S-Paramics Mini-Masterclass - Modelling motorway merges, by Bevan Wilmshurst SIAS
S-Paramics 教程 – 模拟高速公路并道,Bevan Wilmshurst,英国SIAS公司
4. A PCMOVA case study, by Mark Crabtree, TRL
PCMOVA案例研究,Mark Crabtree, 英国道路运输研究所(TRL)
5. Using Microsimulation to study Motorway Control, by Dr Apostolos Kotsialos, University of Durham
应用微观仿真来研究高速公路控制,Dr Apostolos Kotsialos, 英国杜汉姆大学(University of Durham)
6. The Highways Agency and Microsimulation, by Peter Grant of Highways Agency
英国高速公路局和微观仿真,Peter Grant,英国高速公路局(Highways Agency)
7. S-Paramics Mini-Masterclass - Principles of calibration, by Bevan Wilmshurst
S-Paramics 教程–模型校正的原则,Bevan Wilmshurst,英国SIAS公司
8. Interfaces to S-Paramics, by Falco de Jong, Grontmij BV, Netherlands
S-Paramics 接口,Falco de Jong,荷兰Grontmij 公司
9. MOVA and Modelling, by John Spence, Director JSTSM Ltd
MOVA 与模拟,John Spence,英国JSTSM公司
10. The perspective from New Zealand, by Tony Penny of TDG Ltd, NZ
新西兰透视,Tony Penny 新西兰TDG公司
11. STM traffic control, by Mark Pleydell. TSEU Ltd.
基于战略交通管理(Strategic Traffic Management, STM)的交通控制,Mark Pleydell,英国TSEU公司
12. S-Paramics Mini-masterclass - How many runs?, by Pete Sykes SIAS
S-Paramics 教程–模型需要运行次? Pete Sykes,英国SIAS公司
13. The M25 Controlled Motorway, by Dominic Paulo, Mouchel Parkman
伦敦M25高速公路–可控制的高速公路,Dominic Paulo,英国Mouchel Parkman公司
14. Carbon, Climate Change, Cars, Congestion and Cash. The Conflicts, by Stephen Cragg, SIAS Principal Engineer
representing Transport Scotland
二氧化碳,气候变化,小汽车,拥堵和资金的冲突,Stephen Cragg,苏格兰交通部(Transport Scotland)
[ 本帖最后由 ardiss 于 2008-9-20 23:21 编辑 ] |